Tuesday 3 June 2014

How to watch a World Cup game… Brazilian style !

With the World Cup in Brazil coming up, and being  Brazilian myself, I thought I could suggest a few tips to enjoy the games with  friends, in  the Brazilian style.  Unfortunately I will be watching  ALL Brazil AND England games from this side of  the Atlantic, which breaks my heart, as I would  love  to join the huge party with my family and friends back home.

In my  home  town, streets will be filled with yellow and green flags, people will have their faces painted the same colours, and the Brazilian spirit will reign during  the magic 90 minutes when  the “Selecao Canarinho” (Canary Team, as my country team is famous for!) plays. Oh well…

To watch a World Cup Game the way my family does it, first of all, fill up your house with friends, move the sofa to the side as many will be sitting on the floor.  I cannot imagine watching a game without a bowl of popcorn. It is pretty much like going to the movies in the US.  My mother always made sure that we had a good stock of it for the beginning of the games and another batch for half-time.

For the end of the game, have some warming comfort food ready… just in case your team loses - as the World Cup happens in the Winter in the Southern hemisphere. However, before, during and after, a good stock of beer is essential. Mind you, in my city, winter means a light sweater and around 8 degrees and that’s really cold!  Alternatively, head outside in  the garden and start a fire (charcoal, please, never gas!!) for a yummy barbecue is  a great option and for Brazilians burgers and hot dogs are a no-no as far as barbecue  goes. My favourite cut of  beef (and for most Brazilian as well) is
‘picanha’ (literary ‘rump cap’). It is really hard to find here, but check out  ListaBrasil* and you may find a supplier. A  hearty salad, vinaigrette sauce (red vinegar with lots of chopped tomatoes, onion and parsley)  and ‘farofa’ (basically manioc  flowers, chopped onions and parsley again!) will be a great way to celebrate our country’s victory or cry over a defeat! Well, here in London one could always go to a Brazilian ‘rodizio’ restaurant, where lots of different cuts are served on an ‘eat-as-much-as you-like’ basis. I am sure all Brazilian restaurants will have a TV on during the games, but don’t expect good and efficient service if Brazil is playing… However, whatever side of the ocean, Brazilian homes will be filled with green and yellow flags, and screaming  (and sometimes a bit tipsy) friends!

 E ‘Vamos la Brasil’!! (translation: Go Brazil!)

*Website: www.listabrasil.com/en-london/c/65/brazilian-food-in-london/

Written by Valeria Fleury.  Valeria  is the Director of  Membership at FOCUS.

For more information about FOCUS visit:  www.focus-info.org

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